Being the only child..

I watched a movie tonight about twins separated at birth and found each other thru YouTube. It's called Twinsters. I would be so happy if that happened to me. Growing up as the only child was very lonely. It  still is at times. I envy people with siblings. They have no idea how lucky they are to have each other. It's one of the reasons why I decided to have more than just one child. Ever since my girls were little I always told them they were lucky to have one another. Of course at that time they didn't believe me because all they did was fight. I didn't have anyone to fight with or play with, tell secrets to.. I didn't have any of that..All my life I've been longing for that connection you have with a sibling. I have friends who I'm pretty close to and feel like they're my sister or brother, but that's as close as I can get. My three girls amaze me. Yes they get on each others nerve at times but they are so close. I love watching them when they're together. They get into their little bubble. It's like no one else is there. Nothing matters but being with each other at that moment. What I would do to have what they
have with each other...

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