It's New Years Eve and my middle girl is going to be 31 years old tomorrow!!! Holy cow!! So many amazing things have happen for her this year. She got married in September and hopefully in about a year or so they'll have a baby. I'm so excited for her. I wish her father could be here but I know he's looking down watching over her. She's such an amazing child. I'm so proud of her...
Oh the holidays...
Sunday, December 31, 2017
I've had such an amazing Christmas vacation. I thought for sure it was going to not work out financially but it did. My ex surprised me by sending me my alimony. I was really happy. It was real nice of him to do. And my daughter came home for the holidays. We were all together and I'm very grateful. I know it wont always be this way.
Meatloaf for dogs
Sunday, November 12, 2017
I made a new dog food recipe today. Meatloaf for dogs. It turned out really good. The dogs ate it all up. I made two loaves. Put one in the freezer for later. I'm also gonna make them some chicken in the crockpot. It's a type of chicken stew. I'm sure they will love it just as much. I've been making my dogs their food for a couple of years now. It all started when my dog Milo would not eat any of the store bought dog food. I tried everything. I ended up just wasting my money. So now I make dog food once a week. The dogs love it! It's healthier and cheaper.
Much love!!!
My Daughter's Wedding
Saturday, October 28, 2017
My daughter Amber got married last month. It was so beautiful. We of course were all stressed out prior to it. I hardly slept at all. I felt like crap and looked like crap. But after it was over, we felt better. We partied like it was 1999!!! Everyone had a blast drinking, dancing eating and just enjoying celebrating Amber and Courtney. I'm so happy for the both of them. They both love each other so much!!! My family is 10x bigger now because Courtney has a pretty big family. And they are all so nice.
Photos by: The Singlers Photography
Much love always

Every single experience holds an important lesson
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Every single experience holds an important lesson. Quit going through them and decide to growing through them.
Resisting and complaining doesn't change the problem , if you don't get it right the first time the same challenge will again present itself to you . So do not run away from your apparent obstacles, they may be painful for a while but eventually , you will realize, they are blessings in disguise.
In every challenge lies an opportunity , it is in you to see it.
Do not give up, be patient! be positive.
The life you live is ultimately the life you choose. Choose to focus on the negative, and negativity will indeed surround you. Turn your focus to the positive possibilities, and these possibilities gradually become realities in your life.
''Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them'' Hugh Miller.
~By Karina Loureiro
Much love!
Moving to a different state
Thursday, October 5, 2017
I have been thinking a lot about moving to a different state. I love Cali but it's so expensive to live here. I cant afford to have my own apartment with what I'm making. I am on the waiting list on section 8 but that will take forever. The waiting list is so freaking long..... My friend lives in Ohio and she offered for me to move in with her. She has a big house all by herself. Plus we've known each other since junior high. Were like sisters. We'll keep each other company, But my children are here and my baby girl. It would be hard for me to leave her. She makes me so happy... But at the same time I've never been anywhere by myself. I don't know... So much to think about...
Much love!
Ohio. baby girl
Being her Mimi
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Becoming a grandmother has been the most amazing feeling in the world. I always knew I would love it but I didn't realize just how much. I look forward to coming home everyday because I get to see her sweet face. I am a better person because of her..
happy life,
Until you make peace with yourself and your current condition, you’re powerless to change
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Until you make peace with yourself and your current condition, you’re powerless to change. Until you say yes to what your life experience is right now, you’ll continually find yourself in a state of conflict, wanting things to be different. How can you be in harmony if you’re at war within, hurting yourself with your thoughts and behaviors? How can you effect lasting change in your life if you’re spending so much energy hating and judging yourself?
Do you believe that you and the people around you need to be perfect in order for you to be happy? The beauty and harmony that you seek in the outer world is actually within you. When you accept all aspects of yourself, you’ll discover that this includes the part of you that wants to “pig out” at lunchtime or that seeks fulfillment through food.
If you can’t come to terms with (and give love and redirection to) all the parts of you that aren’t currently on board with your goal, you’re going to hit a wall of frustration or emptiness over and over. Like a child clamoring for his mother’s attention, any part of you that you reject can take on a life of its own and act out in very destructive ways, such as out-of-control eating.
We all tend to separate and judge parts of ourselves, creating an inner environment of separation and angst. Well, you can choose to stop doing this, even if it feels unfamiliar to be at peace inside. Be merciful and love yourself, even as you’re perceiving your weaknesses.
All too often, you may forget to have compassion for your own humanity and the difficulties and challenges you face. Even if you feel disconnected from your sense of kindness and are much more in touch with cynicism and judgment, you still have the capacity to return to your true, innate attribute of love.
When you’re forgiving toward yourself, it doesn’t mean that you condone actions that hurt you or sabotage your plans. You won’t say, “Oh well, I binge on an entire bag of chips almost every night and that’s okay, so I’m not going to do anything about it.” What you’ll do is stop spending time beating yourself up and instead focus your energy on looking at some of your motivations, discovering where you’re going wrong, and figuring out strategies that can help you fulfill your own needs and achieve your heart’s true desire.
You may think that if you’re hard enough on yourself, you can force yourself to change. In fact, the opposite is true: Berating yourself gets you feeling so miserable that you give up any motivation to persevere toward your goals. When you truly honor and accept yourself exactly as you are right now, however, it’s much easier to transform your thoughts and behaviors.
~Rena Greenberg
~Rena Greenberg
life quotes,
positive thoughts,
Rena Greenberg
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